Change Management Process

Hook0 has a formal change management process for systems that process and store customer information. This process is designed to ensure that all changes to these systems are carefully planned, tested, and documented, in order to minimize the risk of disruption or data compromise.


The change management process includes the following steps:

  1. Change Request (Pull Request): Any change to a system that processes or stores customer information must be submitted by a Pull Request (PR). The PR must include the following information:

    • Reason for change: The purpose of the change.
    • Scope of change: The impact of the change on the system.
    • Steps to implement the change: The steps that will be taken to implement the change.
    • Risks associated with the change: The potential risks of the change.
    • Risk mitigation measures: The measures that will be taken to mitigate the risks of the change.
  2. Change Evaluation: The PR is evaluated by a Change Manager who ensures that the change is necessary, feasible, and safe. The Change Manager may request additional information or changes to the PR before approving the change.

  3. Change Implementation: Once the change has been approved, it is implemented by a member of the development team. The development team member must follow the steps outlined in the PR and test the change to ensure that it works properly.

  4. Change Validation: Once the change has been implemented, it is validated by a system user. The system user must test the change to ensure that it works as expected and does not pose any security risks.

  5. Change Documentation: Once the change has been validated, it is documented in the configuration repository. The configuration repository contains information about all changes made to systems that process or store customer information. This information is used to monitor systems, identify problems, and plan future changes.

Security considerations

Hook0's change management process is designed to incorporate security best practices into the change process. These best practices include:

  • Requiring a business justification for all changes: All changes must have a business justification that outlines the purpose of the change and the benefits that it will provide. This helps to ensure that changes are not made without a clear understanding of the need for the change.
  • Performing a risk assessment for all changes: A risk assessment is performed for all changes to identify the potential risks associated with the change. This helps to ensure that changes are not made that could introduce new security risks.
  • Implementing risk mitigation measures: Risk mitigation measures are implemented for all changes to reduce the likelihood and impact of any risks that are identified. This helps to ensure that changes are made in a safe and secure manner.


A formal change management process provides a number of benefits, including:

  • Reduced risk of disruption or data compromise
  • Increased confidence in the security of systems and data
  • Improved system and data availability
  • Increased efficiency of change management