FIFO guarantees of events sent to subscriber
Hi there!
Limit of Organizations & Subscriptions
Unable to SignIn, Not receiving Mails after SignUp, Not getting reset password email.
All the dockers are up and running, but I am not able to create Users or signin or even reset password. There are not logs also about failure
While running it in my local system on kubernetes getting error.
Command executed- kubectl apply -f deployments.yaml -l kind=Namespace
Metadata could be genrated at real-time
"Metadata is useful for storing additional, structured information on an object. For example, you could store your user's corresponding unique identifier from your system on a Hook0 Customer object. By default, metadata isn't used by Hook0—for example, it's not used when forwarding events to subscriptions —but metadata is supported by the Search API. Your users won't see metadata unless you show it to them."
Smart retry policy
Hi, I cannot find anywhere in the documentation where it indicates the actual smart-retry policy timings. How often will it retry and for how long, also is there any chance that could be configurable?